The National Historical Publications and Records Commission supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America's documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture. The Commission seeks proposals that will increase the capacity of archival repositories to create electronic records archives that preserve records of enduring historical value. The NHPRC supports efforts by archivists and records managers to meet the challenges of electronic records. Projects must involve institutions that have already established archives and records management programs. We seek applications for start-up or collaborative projects: Start-up projects: Develop the capacity of institutions to prepare to capture and preserve electronic records, through program planning; or Collaborative projects: Establish and/or improve electronic records archives by engaging in effective and innovative collaborations.
NHPRC Site Announcment
Applications are due June 7, 2012.
Most electronic records archives depend upon collaboration among archivists, record managers, and information technology specialists. Only a few organizations have all the required expertise, making training, collaboration and recruitment of new personnel essential components of electronic records archives. We strongly encourage applicants to include professional development components necessary for the success of the project. These may consist of basic or advanced electronic records and digital preservation training for archives staff, agency records managers, high level administrators, information technologists, and others. Projects in this category cannot digitize historical records. Applicants who wish to digitize records should refer to the Digitizing Historical Records announcement. In addition, projects cannot establish electronic document management systems that only manage born-digital records with limited retention periods. Applications requesting support for these activities will be considered ineligible in this program.
Award Information: A grant normally is for 1 to 3 years and up to $200,000. The Commission expects to make up to 3 grants in this category, for a total of up to $600,000.
Cost Sharing: Cost sharing is required. It is the financial contribution the applicant pledges to the cost of a project. Cost sharing can include both direct and indirect expenses, in-kind contributions, non-Federal third-party contributions, and any income earned directly by the project. The NHPRC will provide up to 50 percent of the total project costs.
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: ELECTRONIC-201206
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: June 06, 2011
Creation Date: June 06, 2011
Original Closing Date for Applications: Jun 07, 2012
Current Closing Date for Applications: Jun 07, 2012
Archive Date: Jul 07, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $200,000
Award Floor: $0
CFDA Number(s): 89.003 -- National Historical Publications and Records Grants
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes Posting
Thursday, March 1, 2012
NARA Electronic Records Projects CFDA 89.003
Posted by
William Marthaller
4:27 PM
Labels: archives, electronic records, NARA
NARA Publishing Historical Records 2012 CFDA 89.003
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports projects that promote supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America's documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture. This announcement is for Colonial and Early National Period Projects (those preparing publications whose documents fall predominantly prior to 1820).
NHPRC Site Announcement
Applications are due June 7, 2012.
The Commission seeks proposals to publish historical records of national significance. Projects may focus on the papers of major figures from American life or cover broad historical movements in politics, military, business, social reform, the arts, and other aspects of the national experience. The historical value of the records and their expected usefulness to broad audiences must justify the costs of the project. Grants are awarded for collecting, describing, preserving, compiling, editing, and publishing documentary source materials.
The NHPRC does not fund proposals to purchase historical records; it also does not fund proposals to publish the papers of anyone who has been deceased for fewer than ten years. Eligible Activities Include: Scholarly documentary editions in printed and bound volumes. Scholarly documentary editions in online and other formats. Image editions in online, microfilm, and other formats. Conversion of existing print and microfilm editions to electronic publications. Combinations of the above. A publishing project that has received NHPRC support can apply for a grant for a new or subsequent stage of that project.
These proposals must demonstrate that they have successfully completed the performance objectives associated with previous NHPRC grant awards. Proposals must be substantially updated, including a description of the new activities and a justification of the new budget. The applicant must describe the extent to which the project met its performance objectives under its most recent grant. Applicants not previously funded may apply for a grant to begin a historical documents publishing project. These applications are considered with other proposals and will be judged by the same criteria as others in that competition.
All applicants should be aware that the application process is highly competitive. Applicants may apply for funding up to three years. Applicants should be aware that the Commission normally awards grants on an annual basis; subsequent funding is conditioned on previous years' project performance. Award amounts ordinarily range from $20,000 to $250,000 annually. The Commission expects to make as many as 30 grants in this category.
In accordance with Federal regulations, the Commission reserves, for Federal Government purposes, a royalty-free, non-exclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work and authorize others to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work that results from each grant. The Commission requires that grant recipients acknowledge NHPRC grant assistance in all publications and other products that result from its support.
Cost sharing is required. Cost sharing is the financial contribution the applicant pledges to the cost of a project. Cost sharing can include both direct and indirect expenses, in-kind contributions, non-Federal third-party contributions, and any income earned directly by the project. The Commission ordinarily provides no more than 50 per cent of total project costs for Publishing Historical Records projects.
Agency Contact
Applicants are encouraged to contact Timothy Connelly, 202-357-5301, or at the NHPRC who may:
•Advise the applicant about the review process;
•Answer questions about what activities are eligible for support;
•Supply samples of successful applications;
•Read and comment on a preliminary draft. Applicants should submit a draft at least 2 months before the deadline.
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: PUBLISHING-201206
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Dec 05, 2011
Creation Date: Dec 05, 2011
Original Closing Date for Applications: Jun 07, 2012
Current Closing Date for Applications: Jun 07, 2012
Archive Date: Jul 07, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards: 30
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $250,000
Award Floor: $20,000
CFDA Number(s): 89.003 -- National Historical Publications and Records Grants
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes Posting
Posted by
William Marthaller
4:26 PM
Labels: archives, NARA, publication
NARA Digitizing Historical Records 2012 CFDA 89.003
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America's documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture. The Commission seeks proposals that use cost-effective methods to digitize nationally significant historical record collections and make the digital versions freely available online.
NHPRC Site Announcement
Applications are due June 7, 2012
Projects must make use of existing holdings of historical repositories and consist of entire collections or series. The materials should already be available to the public at the archives and described so that projects can re-use existing information to serve as metadata for the digitized collection.
To make these projects as widely useful as possible for archives, historical repositories, and researchers, the applications must demonstrate:
- The national significance of the collections or records series to be digitized;
- An effective work flow that repurposes existing descriptive material, rather than creating new metadata about the records;
- Reasonable costs and standards for the project as well as sustainable preservation plans for the resulting digital records;
Projects may not use grant funds to create descriptive metadata; create edited transcriptions of the digitized materials; develop websites where people will have to pay a fee to view the images.
A grant normally is for 1 to 3 years and up to $150,000. The Commission expects to make up to 5 grants in this category, for a total of up to $400,000. The Commission requires that grant recipients acknowledge NHPRC grant assistance in all products that result from its support. Cost sharing is required. It is the financial contribution the applicant pledges to the cost of a project. Cost sharing can include both direct and indirect expenses, in-kind contributions, non-Federal third-party contributions, and any income earned directly by the project. The NHPRC will provide up to 50 percent of the total project costs.
Agency Contact
Applicants are encouraged to contact the NHPRC at 202-357-5010, or Staff may:
•Advise the applicant about the review process;
•Answer questions about what activities are eligible for support;
•Supply samples of successful applications;
•Read and comment on a preliminary draft. Applicants should submit a draft at least 2 months before the deadline.
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: DIGITIZING-201206
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Dec 05, 2011
Creation Date: Dec 05, 2011
Original Closing Date for Applications: Jun 07, 2012
Current Closing Date for Applications: Jun 07, 2012
Archive Date: Jul 07, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $150,000
Award Floor: $0
CFDA Number(s): 89.003 -- National Historical Publications and Records Grants
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes Posting
Posted by
William Marthaller
4:28 AM
Labels: archives, digitizing, NARA
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
NEA Challenge America Fast-Track, FY 2013 CFDA 45.024
The Challenge America Fast-Track category offers support primarily to small and mid-sized organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations -- those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. Applications are due by May 24, 2012.
Age alone (e.g., youth, seniors) does not qualify a group as underserved; at least one of the underserved characteristics noted here also must be present. This category, as an essential component of the Arts Endowment's goal of providing wide access to artistic excellence, supports local projects that can have significant effects within communities. Grants are available for professional arts programming and for projects that emphasize the potential of the arts in community development.
Partnerships can be valuable to the success of these projects. While not required, applicants are encouraged to consider partnerships among organizations, both in and outside of the arts, as appropriate to their project.
These Fast-Track grants: Extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations. Are limited to the specific types of projects outlined below. Are for $10,000 each. Receive an expedited application review. Organizations are notified whether they have been recommended for a grant approximately six months after they apply; projects may start shortly thereafter.
NOTE: A policy will be implemented in the coming year to limit consecutive year funding. This policy will ensure that Challenge America Fast-Track funding reaches new organizations and their communities of underserved populations with limited access to the arts. Starting with grants that are awarded in FY 2011, an organization that receives Challenge America Fast-Track grants for three years in a row will not be eligible to apply to the Fast-Track category for the following one-year period. For example, if an organization receives grants in FY 2009, 2010, and 2011, it may not apply again in FY 2012. During FY 2012, the organization may apply to other Arts Endowment funding opportunities including Access to Artistic Excellence and Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth. The organization would be able to apply to the Challenge America Fast-Track category in FY 2013.
An Organization may submit only one application through one of the following FY 2013 Grants for Arts Projects categories: Access to Artistic Excellence, Challenge America Fast-Track, Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth. The Arts Endowment's support of a project may start on or after January 1, 2013.
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: 2012NEA01CAFT
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Jan 04, 2012
Creation Date: Jan 04, 2012
Original Closing Date for Applications: May 24, 2012 May 24, 2012, Application Deadline
January 1, 2013, Earliest Beginning Date for Arts Endowment Period of Support
Current Closing Date for Applications: May 24, 2012 May 24, 2012, Application Deadline
January 1, 2013, Earliest Beginning Date for Arts Endowment Period of Support
Archive Date: Jun 23, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Arts (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $10,000
Award Floor: $10,000
CFDA Number(s): 45.024 -- Promotion of the Arts_Grants to Organizations and Individuals
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes
Eligible Applicants:
State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Special district governments
Independent school districts
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Private institutions of higher education
Additional Information on Eligibility:
APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY Nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3), U.S. organizations; units of state or local government; or federally recognized tribal communities or tribes may apply. Applicants may be arts organizations, local arts agencies, arts service organizations, local education agencies (school districts), and other organizations that can help advance the goals of the Arts Endowment. To be eligible, the applicant organization must: Meet the Arts Endowment's "Legal Requirements" including nonprofit, tax-exempt status at the time of application. (All organizations must apply directly on their own behalf. Applications through a fiscal agent are not allowed.) Have a three-year history of programming prior to the application deadline. Have submitted acceptable Final Report packages by the due date(s) for all Arts Endowment grant(s) previously received.
NEA Web Site Complete Announcement
Posted by
Diana Maxwell
12:50 PM
Monday, February 27, 2012
NEH Preservation and Access Research and Development Grants CFDA 45.149
Preservation and Access Research and Development grants support projects that address major challenges in preserving or providing access to humanities collections and resources. These challenges include the need to find better ways to preserve materials of critical importance to the nation’s cultural heritage—from fragile artifacts and manuscripts to analog recordings and digital assets subject to technological obsolescence—and to develop advanced modes of searching, discovering, and using such materials. Applicants should define a specific problem, devise procedures and potential solutions, and explain how they would evaluate their projects and disseminate their findings. Project results must serve the needs of a significant number of humanists.
Applications are due by May 16, 2012.
Applicants should define a specific problem, devise procedures and potential
solutions, and explain how they would evaluate their projects and disseminate
their findings. Project results must serve the needs of a significant number of
Eligible Projects Include
NEH especially encourages applications that address the following topics:
Providing access to grant productsAs a taxpayer-supported federal agency, NEH endeavors to make the products of
its grants available to the broadest possible audience. Our goal is for
scholars, educators, students, and the American public to have ready and easy
access to the wide range of NEH grant products. For the Preservation and Access
Research and Development program, such products may include digital tools,
software, and websites. For projects that lead to the development of such
products, all other considerations being equal, NEH gives preference to those
that provide free access to the public. Detailed guidance on access and
dissemination matters can be found below, in the Dissemination section.
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: 20120516-PR
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Mar 07, 2012
Creation Date: Mar 01, 2012
Original Closing Date for Applications: May 16, 2012
Current Closing Date for Applications: May 16, 2012
Archive Date: Jun 15, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $350,000
Award Floor: $0
CFDA Number(s): 45.149 -- Promotion of the Humanities_Division of Preservation and Access
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
Posted by
William Marthaller
12:57 PM
Labels: education, NEH, Preservation, training
Saturday, February 25, 2012
NEH 2012 Challenge Grants CFDA 45.130
NEH challenge grants are capacity-building grants, intended to help institutions and organizations secure long-term improvements in and support for their humanities programs and resources. Grants may be used to establish or enhance endowments or spend-down funds (that is, funds that are invested, with both the income and the principal being expended over a defined period of years) that generate expendable earnings to support ongoing program activities. Funds may also provide capital directly supporting the procurment of long lasting objects such as acquisitions for archives and collections, the purchase of equipment, and the construction and renovation of faciltities needed for humanities activities. Funds spent directly must must be shown to bring long-term benefits to the institution and to the humanities more broadly.
NEH Challenge Grant Guidelines
Applications are due by May 2, 2012
- acquisitions for collections;
- faculty, teacher, and staff development;
- research fellowships;
- lecture or exhibition series;
- visiting scholars or consultants;
- publishing subventions; and
- preservation and conservation programs.
- capital expenditures, such as purchase, construction, or renovation of facilities;
- acquisitions for collections;
- purchase of equipment and software;
- fundraising costs (totaling no more than 10 percent of challenge grant funds);
- and “bridge” funds to begin an endowed activity while the endowment is being established.
Challenge grant funds, federal or nonfederal, may not be used for:
- one-time or operating expenditures with minimal long-term impact;
- recovery of indirect costs;
- support for projects eligible for grants from other NEH programs; or
- scholarships or stipends for students below the graduate level.
The financial arrangement by which challenge grant funds are expended should be appropriate to the nature of the humanities-related costs and the long-term impact of the expenditure.
Funds may be
- invested in permanent endowments, the income from which supports ongoing and recurring costs such as salaries, honoraria for visiting scholars, fellowships, and maintenance;
- spent directly on one-time capital costs for items that have inherent longevity, such as facilities (new construction or renovation), equipment, and acquisitions;
- or combined in “spend-down” funds that are invested, with both the income and the principal expended over a defined period of years. Spend-down funds are particularly appropriate for programs that are long-term but not permanent.
Grant funds may be used directly for bridging support, where the challenge grant provides for endowment or spend-down income to meet expenses for a given purpose in the future; bridging funds up to the equivalent amount of projected endowment or spend-down income may be used to cover expenses for that purpose during the grant period, while the endowment or spend-down fund is being established.
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: 20120502-CH
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Feb. 29, 2012
Creation Date: Feb. 27, 2012
Original Closing Date for Applications: May 02, 2012
Current Closing Date for Applications: May 02, 2012
Archive Date: Jun 01, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $1,000,000
Award Floor: $0
CFDA Number(s): 45.130 -- Promotion of the Humanities_Challenge Grants
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No;jsessionid=H3ZhPWKLGBT9p24p0gQP9rPH9lbhpML9GBhLRFNQj0TGjbhyG81y!755456391?oppId=146633&mode=VIEW
Posted by
William Marthaller
12:43 PM
Labels: challenge grant, NEH
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
NEH Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions CFDA 45.149
Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized institutions such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities improve their ability to preserve and care for their significant humanities collections. These may include special collections of books and journals, archives and manuscripts, prints and photographs, moving images, sound recordings, architectural and cartographic records, decorative and fine art objects, textiles, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, furniture, historical objects and digital materials.
Applicants must draw on the knowledge of consultants whose preservation skills and experience are related to the types of collections and the nature of the acitivities that are the focus of their projects.
NEH Site Anouncement
Applications are due May 01, 2012.
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: 20120501-PG
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Jan 09, 2011
Creation Date: Jan 03, 2011
Original Closing Date for Applications: May 01, 2012
Current Closing Date for Applications: May 01, 2012
Archive Date: May 31, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $6,000
Award Floor: $0
CFDA Number(s): 45.149 -- Promotion of the Humanities_Division of Preservation and Access
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No Posting
Posted by
William Marthaller
4:30 PM
Labels: archives, artifacts, collections, NEH
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
IMLS: 21st Century Museum Professionals CFDA 45.307
Museum professionals need high levels of knowledge and expertise as they help create public value for the communities they serve. The purpose of the 21st Century Museum Professionals Grants program is to increase the capacity of museums by improving the knowledge and skills of museum professionals in multiple institutions. Applications are due March 15, 2012.
These grants are intended to reach broad groups of museum professionals throughout a city, county, state, region, or the nation. Grants fund a wide range of activities, including the development and implementation of classes, seminars, and workshops; resources to support leadership development; collection, assessment, development, and/or dissemination of information that leads to better museum operations; activities that strengthen the use of contemporary technology tools to deliver programs and services; support for the enhancement of pre-professional training programs; and organizational support for the development of internship and fellowship programs. IMLS also welcomes proposals that promote the skills necessary to develop 21st Century communities, citizens, and workers and that encourage broad community access and participation.
IMLS Site Announcment
Document Type: Modifications to Previous Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: 21MP-FY12
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Jan 09, 2012
Creation Date: Jan 09, 2012
Original Closing Date for Applications: Mar 15, 2012
Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 15, 2012
Archive Date: Apr 14, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Arts (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards: 10
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $250,000
Award Floor: $15,000
CFDA Number(s): 45.307 -- 21st Century Museum Professionals
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes
Museums that fulfill the eligibility criteria for museums may apply. Public or private not-forprofit agencies, organizations or associations that engage in activities designed to advance museums and the museum profession may also apply. In addition, institutions of higher education, including public and nonprofit universities are eligible. Announcment
Posted by
William Marthaller
4:31 PM
Labels: archives, artifacts, collections, Conservation, interpretation, museums
Monday, February 6, 2012
NEA Art Works CFDA 45.024
The NEA's guiding principle is embodied in one sentence: "Art works."
"Art works" is a noun; the creation of works of art by artists. "Art works" is a verb; art works on and within people to change and inspire them. "Art works" is a statement; arts jobs are real jobs that are part of the real economy.
Art Works encourages and supports the following four outcomes:
•Creation: The creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence,
•Engagement: Public engagement with diverse and excellent art,
•Learning: Lifelong learning in the arts, and
•Livability: The strengthening of communities through the arts.
Applicants will be asked to select the outcome that is most relevant to their projects (they also will be able to select a secondary outcome). When making selections, applicants should identify the outcome(s) that reflect the results expected to be achieved by their project. If a grant is received, grantees also will be asked to provide evidence of those results. Applications are due March 8, 2012.
1.Creation: The portfolio of American art is expanded.
Support is available for projects to create art that meets the highest standards of excellence across a diverse spectrum of artistic disciplines and geographic locations. Through the creation of art, these projects are intended to replenish and rejuvenate America's enduring cultural legacy. Creation activities may include:
•Commissioning, development, and production of new work.
•Design competitions and design or planning projects for new arts or cultural spaces or landscapes.
•Workshops and residencies for artists where the primary purpose is to create new art.
•Opportunities for writers and translators to create or refine their work.
•Projects that employ innovative forms of art-making and design.
The anticipated results for Creation projects are new works of art. If a grant is received, at the end of the project grantees will need to provide evidence of the new art works created. If the project activities do not lead to the creation of completed works of art within the period of a grant, grantees may demonstrate progress toward the creation of art by describing the artists' participation and work accomplished by the end of the grant. Before applying, please review the reporting requirements for Creation.
2.Engagement: Americans throughout the nation experience art.
Support is available for projects that provide public engagement with artistic excellence across a diverse spectrum of artistic disciplines and geographic locations. These projects should engage the public directly with the arts, providing Americans with new opportunities to have profound and meaningful arts experiences. Engagement activities may include:
•Exhibitions, performances, concerts, and readings.
•Film screenings.
•Touring and outreach activities.
•Restaging of repertory and master works of historical significance.
•Art fairs and festivals.
•Documentation, preservation, and conservation of art work.
•Public programs that raise awareness of cultural heritage.
•Broadcasts or recordings through Web sites; live streaming, audio- and video-on-demand, podcasts, MP3 files, or other digital applications; television; and radio.
•Design charrettes.
•Publication, production, and promotion of digital, audio, or online publications; books; magazines; catalogues; and searchable information databases.
•Services to artists and arts organizations.
•Projects that extend the arts to underserved populations -- those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability.
•Projects that employ innovative forms of art and design delivery.
The anticipated results for Engagement projects are direct experiences with the arts for the public. If a grant is received, at the end of the project grantees will need to describe the participants' experiences as well as the composition of the participant group. If the nature of the project does not allow for the documentation of participants' experiences explicitly, grantees may document the composition of the participant group and numbers of participants and activities, and describe the activities used to engage the public with art. Before applying, please review the reporting requirements for Engagement.
3.Learning: Americans of all ages acquire knowledge or skills in the arts.
Support is available for projects that provide Americans of all ages with arts learning opportunities across a diverse spectrum of artistic disciplines and geographic locations. These projects should focus on the acquisition of knowledge or skills in the arts, thereby building public capacity for lifelong participation in the arts. Learning activities may include:
•Lifelong learning activities for children, adults, and intergenerational groups.
•Standards-based arts education activities for K-12 students.
•Workshops and demonstrations.
•Mentorships and apprenticeship programs.
•Professional development for artists, teaching artists, teachers, and other educators.
•Assessments and evaluations of arts learning.
•Online courses or training.
•Lectures and symposia.
•Production, publication, and distribution of teachers' guides.
•Innovative practices in arts learning for Americans of all ages.
The anticipated results for Learning projects are increases or improvements in the participants' knowledge or skills in the arts. If a grant is received, at the end of the project grantees will need to describe the participants' learning, the composition of the participant group, and the numbers of participants and activities, as well as the activities used to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge or skills in the arts. Grantees who receive support through the Arts Education discipline for standards-based projects will be required to report on additional measurable results, including identifying specific learning outcomes, describing the assessment method, and reporting on the number of participants who demonstrated learning. Before applying, please review the reporting requirements for Learning.
4.Livability: American communities are strengthened through the arts.
Support is available for projects that incorporate the arts and design into strategies to improve the livability of communities. Livability consists of a variety of factors that contribute to the quality of life in a community such as ample opportunities for social, civic, and cultural participation; education, employment, and safety; sustainability; affordable housing, ease of transportation, and access to public buildings and facilities; and an aesthetically pleasing environment. The arts can enhance livability by providing new avenues for expression and creativity. Arts- and design-related Livability activities may include:
•The development of plans for cultural and/or creative sector growth.
•The enhancement of public spaces through design or new art works.
•Arts or design activities that are intended to foster community interaction in public spaces.
•Cultural sustainability activities that contribute to community identity and sense of place.
•The engagement of artists, designers, and/or arts organizations in plans and processes to improve community livability and enhance the unique characteristics of a community.
•Innovative community-based partnerships that integrate the arts with livability efforts.
Please note that certain types of Livability activities will require applicants to provide information in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and/or the National Historic Preservation Act. See here for more information.
The NEA recognizes that arts and design organizations are often in the forefront of innovation in their work and strongly encourages innovation within the outcomes listed above. Innovative projects are characterized as those that:
•Are likely to prove transformative with the potential for meaningful change....
NEA Site Announcement
* * * * *
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: 2012NEA01AW1
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Jan 04, 2012
Creation Date: Jan 04, 2012
Original Closing Date for Applications: Mar 08, 2012 The system must receive your validated and accepted application no later than 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on Mar 08, 2012.
Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 08, 2012 The system must receive your validated and accepted application no later than 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on Mar 08, 2012.
Archive Date: April 07, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Arts (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $100,000
Award Floor: $10,000
CFDA Number(s): 45.024 -- Promotion of the Arts_Grants to Organizations and Individuals
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes Site Announcment
Posted by
William Marthaller
4:32 PM
Labels: artifacts, arts, community development, design, economic development, NEA, Preservation, Urban Planning
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Opportunity for Assistance CFDA: 15.935
The purpose of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail is to collaborate with various and diverse partners to identify an protect the historical, natural, cultural, sacred, and recreational resources of the route of the Corps of Discovery and associated American Indian Nations; interpret those resources; educate the public on their significance and value; and provide appropriate opportunities for their public use and enjoyment. Applications are due by February 27, 2012 Posting
Posted by
William Marthaller
4:35 PM
Labels: National Trails Conservation
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
NEA Our Town CFDA 45.024
Grant Program Description
Art works to improve the lives of America's citizens in many ways. Communities across our nation are engaging design and leveraging the arts to create livable, sustainable neighborhoods with enhanced quality of life, increased creative activity, distinct identities, a sense of place, and vibrant local economies that capitalize on existing local assets. The NEA defines these efforts as creative placemaking:
"In creative placemaking, partners from public, private, nonprofit, and community sectors strategically shape the physical character of neighborhood, town, tribe, city, or region around arts and cultural activities. Creative placemaking animates public and private spaces, rejuvenates structures and streetscapes, improves local business viability and public safety, and brings diverse people together to celebrate, inspire, and be inspired."
Through Our Town, subject to the availability of funding, the National Endowment for the Arts will provide a limited number of grants ranging from $25,000 to $150,000, for creative placemaking projects that contribute toward the livability of communities and help transform them into lively, beautiful, and sustainable places with the arts at their core. Applications are due March 1, 2012
NEA Site Announcment
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: 2012NEAOT
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Dec 01, 2011
Creation Date: Dec. 01, 2011
Original Closing Date for Applications: Mar 1, 2012 The system must receive your validated and accepted application no later than 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on Mar 01, 2012.
Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 1, 2012. The system must receive your validated and accepted application no later than 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on Mar o1, 2012.
Archive Date: Mar 31, 2012
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Arts (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $150,000
Award Floor: $25,000
CFDA Number(s): 45.024 -- Promotion of the Arts_Grants to Organizations and Individuals
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes Site Announcement
Posted by
William Marthaller
4:33 PM
Labels: arts, community development, NEA, Urban Planning, visual arts